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hello... i'm krypto, i live in jersey( no...not new jersey, just the very small island between France and England) life here is very quiet and beautiful but not much pups, handlers or even furry here. some people on grindr are quite horrible about puppy play because pup play isn't a think in jersey . But some people who i am very close to are happy that i am into this and is willing to know more about it. there's only about three pups in jersey including myself, not much gay events and no gay bars but the closest thing is to a gay bar is a LGBT friendly parties by three guys who dresses up as drags. very nice to go to but only happens once a month or two. i did try to make a group called the channel islands pup(Jersey and Guernsey) so we can meet, hangout and just PUP OUT, but the group didn't turned out as in thought, kinda a bit failed. it is  really hard to be a pup, when knowing i'm kinda stuck here because i have collage to go to, part time job wages very low to travel but hopfully i can travel to some of the events and meets pups after collage 


Pup life in Jersey

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Published 7 years ago