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So having sat on the sideline of the community for ages and never really met anyone, I decided that it was about time to change this. 

A bit about me - well the interesting bits anyway - I am someone who has a long list of mental health problems, including anxiety and body dysmorphia ( size shape and the fact inside I am a pup and should have been born with fur and a tail). So making friends is something I just struggle with beyond any words I can write. I have never belonged anywhere and always been the outcast

this was until I started interacting with pups ponies cats and handlers online. Despite my own insecurities and my usual pushing myself into a corner and just peeking out from under a blanket, everyone I have spoken to has made me feel valid and welcome. There has been no shame in being me, many have been eager to meet me and hold my paws along the way. But all in all everyone whether they are from the U.K. of around the world has made me feel welcome. I have been sniffing around many communities in the past and not one of them has accepted me as who I am. So finding the pups and pets has literally made me feel like top,dog

i am hoping to change the fact I have never met any of you next week on the 18th November and am sure if I can make the effort it will be rewarded with lots of love kisses and belly rubs. Once I have done it once you probably won’t stop me - it feels like coming home to family right now

There are to many pup to name individually, but those who have had more than a fleeting exchange of messages or Barking at my pictures know who you are and take this as personal thanks at all you have done and said 


I think I have rambled enough - but head pats,ear scratches and belly rubs to all —- now help yourself to the free cookies and buttons I have put in the dog bowls around the room


The Wonderful Pup Community

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Published 7 years ago