Spanish female pups and their situation

Published 6 years ago

3 barks


Hello and welcome to my very first entry of my Blog.

Today, I'm wanna talk sicerely about Spanish Female Pet Play Community and how I view the situation of Pup Pet Play applied to my country.

I want to start telling all of you that, when I saw there was another Spanish pup registered here, I was really excited. And more when I saw there was a Spanish Puppy Event soon! My surprise was when I read about the event: just and only for men. So I wrote to the pup who manage the event asking about the female puppy, owners and handlers situation on this kind of events, exclusively for men. Yes, I saw is a NSFW or sexual kind of event where I can have fun freely being a pup, and also handling and owning another pups. I have to tell I'm waiting for the event creator an answer to the question I've sent to him.

The second point is that seems the Spanish community is just and only for men, I just met 3 female pups, and all are having the main trouble of belonging to a sexist colective and also a really sexist country. I've been really welcomed on the UK community, I joined some female groups where I feel really confortable, I'm part of a group of puppies, and I handle 2 pups and own 1. But I look to Spain's situation, and I look for the pup pet play community on here and really ask myself: WHERE THIS COMMUNITY GO? I found nothing, any events, anyone who's on the community, no gear, nothing. Or maybe I  to find nothing, or doesn't exist, or is it really hidden, or it's only for men/males.

I feel like I had to be born as male, because the femenine public doesn't deserves this. Because femenine public is excluded of any event because...they're females! I enjoy as much as a male can enjoy being a pup, handling ,petting. So what's the difference between us? None.

The third fact is that I'm founding on the Spanish community from homosexual population a kind of Heterophobia. As I always said, don't do others what do you want to receive. So, yes, there's a lot of homophobia, (a lot!) in Spain.But some homosexual public (female, males and trans, also nonbinary and bisexual) that are HETEROPHOBIC. little part of them also exclude females, from the male part. If I delve on this fact, the main fail is the self-esteem . But from the other side, i found that homosexual colective is acting the same way as homophobic person in the way of being heterophobic.

I'm not generalizating the situation. I'm just sharing my own opinion right now, in part as pup, in the other part, as a future psychologicist.

For ending this blog, I want to say thanks to this community. I feel really really confortable here, I met a lot of really interesting people, I finally could accept myself as a pup, and found a great community that accepts everyone even their race, ethnics, sex or gender. This is a really inclusive, open-minded and tolerating community. I also want to say thanks to all female pups that included me on their group another country. My last thank you goes to Arya, my FtM shepperd brother, that as me feels the same. Both are spanish, and we're thinking about to grow up female spanish pup community together.

Thank you for reading!



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