Forced roles in PetPlay.

Published 6 years ago

5 barks


I'm sorry if my english is a bit difficult to understand. 

The Topic "PetPlay" has been occupying me for two years. The only thing i won't understand:

Why the heck do people put doggys/puppys in a submissive stereotype everytime? As i saw many puppys and dogs are submissive, but i don't. 

It's okay to be submissive. I like submissive pups *wroof*. But why do ppl. not accept that I'm not into this?  Many times I tried to explain what kind of doggy person I am. But it feels like I bang my head against a brick wall.

"You are a dog, you have to be submissive". If i said "NO!" they don't stop to discuss. But I do! I'm tired of reading things about how i have to be. I am how i want. 
I think we all have to respect the human beings behind the mask. And "NO" is a "NO". 

WE ALL HAVE TO RESPECT EACH OTHER. Petplayer, furries, "normal" people. We have to accept what they are.
Nobody has the right to dictate to someone what he has to be.

I hope it was okay for my first blog. Awroooooo!



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