Pup Journey Part 1

Published 4 years ago

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So it’s nearly been six months since my first real adventure into the world of pup play. An awful lot has happened and I felt that this was a good time to write about it all and share my experiences with others who may not be there yet.

My first ventures into the world of pup play began way back in December 2018. So I had broken up with my bf about a month before and decided that enough was enough I was going to do things for me and not anyone else.

Having purchased a very small tail plug and heard about the channel 4 documentary I was intrigued by this thing called pup play. Was it me? Was it too weird? Do I have too many things going on in my life right now to get into it fully? Despite all these questions I started pushing myself toward the idea of pup play. The real problem was how do I get into it? Where do I go to see if I like it? How do I meet other pups?

With these questions driving me I decided to use a gay dating app and narrow searches to those who had pup in their profile name. A good start although very few locally. Ok so what to do now? I know I’ll send them a hi message explaining I’m interested in pup play and see if I get any replies.

Thankfully I did get a reply from a wonderful pup in Sweden. He helped me understand what pup play involved and why it could be so good. He directed me to the puppy pride website which I had no idea about. There I discovered there was a meet that happened relatively locally to me. After a few lengthy conversations he convinced me that theae meets would be good as they are not as scary as I thought and happen in nice places with friendly and welcoming people.

I did start to rethink my decision and started to say perhaps I should go after Christmas when everyone is back or it will be easier. As a good pup friend he said that I should go sooner and not put it off. So upon that advice I went to my first pup event (although be it late due to other factors and getting the directions wrong when driving). I also discovered a few days earlier that another pup I had been speaking to was going to the meet as they were returning to the area.

Accompanied by large amounts of nervousness I ventured to the venue the meet was held at. I opened the door and was greeted by friendly people who asked if I was there for the pup meet? With a somewhat shy reply I said yes it’s my first one.




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