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Can't believe how long it has actually been since I was last writing a blog post. I had previously been trying to do one monthly, but with all sorts of chaos in my life one thing I had to step away from was giving myself much needed me time, or as I tend to use it, pup time. 
Firstly a quick thank you to all the wonderful comments on my last blog, it made me feel really happy every time I got an email.

So although I have not been able to spend much time as in a pup headspace, yet alone in my gear, it has been on my mind. As I have badgered on before it makes me feel safe, relaxed and free to be happy, and since exploring pup play some of those feelings have really started sinking into my real life.
Something I have done for some time in private, but have now accidentally done in public, (in my office, with co-workers present), is when I get really happy I say the phrase "wag wag wag." I have done this when with partners since before I knew I was a pup, but this was the first time I exposed myself to a more general audience.
I have been enamored for some time with how bio pups express such a range of their emotions through their tails. Happy, relaxed, uncomfortable. Maybe this is where I have never owned a dog myself or been close to someone who does. Even more likely there is so much I am missing.
Anyway, back to the point, I want a tail. I really want a tail, it is the one item that really drives me crazy about thinking of having. The only pup aspect of my life I have kept during my pull away is often looking for where I can find them, scanning for deals, primarily on amazon because I can't seem to remove the adult filter from my phone, which I then use to provide wifi. But I don't know what would suit me. And I am reffering to show tails by the way. Questions race through my mind with respect to length, weight, texture, colour, how it hangs, how it would look on me, adapability to show mood, wag-ability.

My current aim is to hold out on buying one long enough that I can attend an event and maybe get a bit of a closer look at what others use. So you know, if I do go along to one and you catch me staring at your butt, this will totally be why...
That said, anybody know any good sites to look for a tail? (I am not bold enough to take myself into a physical store) Or experiences that might be worth considering? Have you ever spent time working out the best way to shake your butt to optimise wagging? (I think about this maybe a little too much.)

In the mean time, "wag wag wag".
Z. (A very sleepy puppy who wanted to be in bed two hours ago.)


Re-tail therapy

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Published 4 years ago