Dearest Puppies, Handlers and Pet Players alike, my name is Astra and I am an Irish puppy on a mission.

Little under a month ago I set in motion a project which has been long overdue for the Irish community. Currently we do not have a pet play event of our own in Ireland bar monthly/bimonthly puppy munches organised by admins of the Pups of Ireland community. Over the last number of years our community has grown to where we should consider putting together an event of our own. The problem that arises is that of a lack of information of what our community wants and expects for a puppy event in order for it to be enjoyable to the entire community. This is why I have set up the Irish Pet Play Survey, so that our community has a source to follow in such escapades. 

The Survey will soon be coming to a close and I wish to cover all bases before that time arrives. The Survey will continue to accept answers until the 16th of Feburary  so if there is anyone from the Irish community here who is yet to answer and wishes to have their voices heard I urge you to get in contact before the close date, here or on one of my other social medias. The survey is looking at having the results ready for the beginning of March.

The second section of this survey will contain interviews from event organisers and community ambassador from across Europe and beyond. I am also pleased to share that this survey has had ripple effects across europe and has influenced other communities to consider surveys of their own. This news fills me with Pride.

I wish to thank everyone so far who has contributed to the survey and I hope that the results will be a wake up call for both our communities at home and away.

With so much Puppy Pride and Love

- Astra xoxo

Irish Pet Play Survey

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Published 4 years ago