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What does being a puppy mean to me?

Published 8 years ago

5 barks


So it all started when I was 16. I went to Pride with this guy who wanted to put me in a collar and walk me around. I didn't quite understand it back then but thought it was a great Idea. Being on the leash felt I was safe and protected by someone who really wanted to make sure I was safe.

A few years later and I go to an event with a friend of mine. I get greeted by a pup with lots of licks and I tell him he is a good boy. It didn't feel right speaking to him. Instead I wanted to lick him back and wag my bum. Deeper and deeper I thought into this behavior and something sparked inside of me. It just felt right. It felt like a community of non judgemental people, all trying to be the best pup they can be but it didn't feel like a competition, it felt like all the pups were helping eachother. Protecting eachother. Loving eachother.

Iv always seen myself as an "ugly" person on the outside but a beautiful person inside. Pup play is helping me realise that it is not what's on the outside at all. It seems like a state of meditation for me.

I can't wait to release my full pup potential at sexpo this year and show the world that there can be a community of people where judgements are pushed aside, and we come in all shapes, sizes, Colours and species.

The only frustrating thing is finding someone who has the time to care for such a needy pup as myself. If I could live 24/7 as a pup I would.

xxxSCRUFFxxx - a little lost pup in a big kennel



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