Welcoming all genders, sexualities and species, Pup Out is moving to Guys Bar by London Bridge, from 11am to 6pm!
Guys Bar is a student union bar which we are renting for the day, and this event is NOT run in association with the union in any reguards.
Pup Out will have exclusive use of the basement venue (lift available), with loads of space for mats & toys, our ball pit, and dog beds, as well as seating space to relax and socialise in!
Entry Cost
Entry is £10, with all profits going towards maintaining and improving the event!
The increased fee (which has been £5 since 2017) will help to make sure we can keep out venue by providing us additional funds to pay for the space.
At 2-3pm a group of us head out for walkies around the local area for a change of scenery, to play in the park and for photo opportunities!
Please note this is weather dependant.
Some months we'll have traders at the event selling a selection of their wares!
Feral Foliage - Furry artist with adorable prints, stickers, and more
Splat Cosplay - Puppy Hooters and other fun clothing, badges, pins, and more
Prize Raffle
At 5pm we will also be holding our monthly raffle on the day! Raffle prizes include the contents of that month's Puppy Pride Sponsorship Pack. Monthly subscriptions support Puppy Pride and Pup Out in turn. Why not check them out here: https://puppypride.social/subscribe
Dress Code
The dress code is anything from kinky to casual. Please cover up your privates though (this is not a sex event - please dress sensibly). There is also a changing area available for attendees to change at the event.
Pre-meet munch!
From 10am we host a casual coffee meet at the sceince museum cafe on the corner, so you can come and chill and get to know some of us before the main event!
Why not join our telegram and get to know pups before the event! https://t.me/PupOutLon
Venue Rules
1. Please do NOT bring in outside food or drinks
Guys Bar as a venue makes money by selling food & drink, and we have a minimum spend with the venue we have to achieve.
If we can't achiveve these spends then we'll lose the venue, so please support the event by buying from the venue.
Also the food & drink is really cheap.
2. Photography is allowed, but be respectful
There will be an official photographer at the event, any uncovered faces are blurred by default. If you wish to have your face included in pictures or be totally unphotographed then please make this known to event staff.
Previous event pictures can be found here: https://puppypride.social/m/pup-out-london/galleries
If you are taking your own pictures (selfies, etc) then please be aware of your surroundings and make sure you don’t include anyone by accident, please also be prepared to delete pictures if asked.
3. ID is required
Guys Bar is a strictly 18+ venue, and it is a legal requirement that all attendees show their ID at the venues request.
Any Questions?
Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions or want to help out! Feel free to approach staff at the event with any questions or concerns on the day as well.
We look forward to seeing you at Pup Out London